Saturday, February 21, 2009

Malaysia Philharmonik Orchestra.

Malaysia Philharmonik Orchestra.
0830 hours.

i arrived at school around 8.30 am.wearing pink baju kurung moden.with heels.i walk straight found amir fuad.chit chat with his friends.i ask him wheres SHARK?[shark in land]huhu.keep walking foward.found shark.yeah.she wears red body talk.inside school theres assembly for koko.huhu.pity them.i saw *********.she ask to look at the phone.but i dun know whats the point.after she left.i immediately grab shark ask her to read the message from ********* .the message are.************.sorry private.haha.pity2.but anyway.the story about ********* i acomplished it.yeah.******** were so so glad.haha.ok.

Malaysia Philharmonik Orchestra we started felt like stupid because we are wearing baju kurung and they are wearing shirt and jeans.supposely cant wear jeans.i think they dont understand the rules.biarlah.we met marc.he is so cute and so so so so so CUTE.cant help it.he taught us the 4 songs.i only like 3/4.hahha.wat eva.the 4 songs is for our perfomance.
sadly the perfomance were so erghh n bored.i guess.haha.biarlah.

at the end we went home.with no expression.other than the juniors.please take me.they were like cikgu2...cikgu ni cikgu tu.[cikgu ali and cikgu joshua]kalau nk sangat go ahead.its is so obvious.eew..weirdo.neway.i enjoyed myself.and its been fun.

rest time.
me,shark,yasmin,afiz,amir,*********,fauzi, and i dun know what his name*.
talking make jokes and everything.bla2.
fauzi n * saw the pianist walk 'bongkok' than they started to laugh.i said that is so cruel.they ask what is it?ape kteorg buat.mmg sah buta.they laugh at the if they know and into the music.the pianist is the important play for a song!you jerk.

next.********* started to kau anak pn hanim ek?dgn kebosanan soalan yg diutarakan itu i said emm.shark ask back bru taw ke?********** said dah lame taw cuma takut nk tego.weird.i said back tego je la x garang pon.********** said ye r dia x garang cam mak dia.lawak2.wat garang?weird.i think im crazy ada r.i will get garang if some one lost my temper.

ok thanks miss ling!

talking about garang.on tuesday.i shout at adeeb palil.lawak.
it started when he copying my answer for ulangkaji sejarah.n he make so much noises.
with the temper yg tinggi nak mati...i shouted at him like dis>>adeeb ko bleh x senyap.senyap!.
terkejut dia.lawak2.i can see his face were so red.then i chilled.argh lega masa tuh dah marah orang.sape x bengang kalau org tuh kacau buat nk past A dia sibuk tiru orang.